PO BOX 262
(434) 983-8643
How Can I Help?
Would you like to make a difference in your community? Would you like to help those in need, but feel the job is just too big for one person? You, your business, organization or church can help by becoming a "Shepherd of Hope". By pledging a monthly gift to COPPC, you can help us make a difference by providing practical help to those in need or in crisis situations.
Your gift may help by supplying maternity or infant clothing. It may be used to provide a crib or a car seat. It may assist us in purchasing material to education women about sexually transmitted diseases, the dangers of abortion what to expect in pregnancy, labor and delivery. Your assistance may help us change the mind of someone considering an abortion. Or maybe your pledge might help provide firewood to a family who is temporary financial "tight spot". Your gift may even help furnish food for a family who has no income for a week due to the effect of weather on their employment. Having your support will ensure that we have a site to provide our programs.If you, your business, organization or church are already providing a community "help" ministry, we can coordinate to make sure that we are all working together. We can include your existing ministries and programs in our on-site resource book.
We are a non-denominational, not-for-profit organization. We operate on donations and proceeds from our on-site Thrift Store. Tax receipts are available on request.
List of Needs:
Layettes: infant sleepers/"onesies"/t-shirts, diapers (newborn, 1 and 2), wipes, blankets, crib sheets, infant hygiene items, bibs/burping towels, pacifiers, diaper bags, bottles and infant appropriate toys. We also need three drawer plastic storage units to pack layette items in.
"Mommy Baskets": sanitary napkins, shampoo/conditioner, body soap/sponges, lotion, multi-vitamins, face cleanser, deodorant, toothpaste, women's/parenting magazines, inspirational literature, gift cards (Wal-Mart, Food Lion, etc.)
Print out a "Shepherd of Hope" pledge form by clicking here!
Please contact us:
By telephone: 434-983-8643
By mail: COPPC, Inc
PO Box 262
New Canton, VA 23123
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